
Ellen Miller

PolicyMap.com launched last month. It’s a very cool and fun site, especially if you’re into mashing up maps with demographics…And which public policy geek isn’t? It’s an online mapping tool that allows you to easily research market and demographic data by geography throughout the United States – down to a census tract level. It includes literally thousands of indicators related to demographics, real estate markets, money and income, education, crime and more.

The site is a project of The Reinvestment Fund (TRF), a non-profit community development financial institution that works across the Mid-Atlantic region financing affordable housing, schools, businesses, supermarkets and other projects “that build wealth and opportunity for the people and places that need it the most.” They say that they have long recognized the need for good data and analysis about neighborhoods. And through PolicyMap, they are generously sharing information they’ve collected over the past decade with the public.

Much of PolicyMap is free to the public. They offer subscription options for the features and proprietary data that they are not allowed to give for free. That part we don’t like so much, but hey, this is worth a look.

Click here to read this article which appeared on Sunlight Foundation on June 4th, 2008