May Data News

Data News

Grandparent Caregiving Data on PolicyMap

See Where Grandparents Are Parenting Grandkids in the Wake of the Opioid Epidemic

Grandparents are increasingly raising their grandchildren in the U.S. due to poverty, job loss, and other financial strains, including parental substance abuse. Assess where grandparents are shouldering parental responsibilities across the U.S. with new data from the American Community Survey on PolicyMap.


PolicyMap NMTC Data Updated

NMTC Updated

The 2017 New Markets Tax Credit application has been released, and PolicyMap has data to help you maximize your application’s score. From basic eligibility to higher distress indicators, you can easily look up data for any tract. You can also use the upload and download tools to look up eligibility for a list of addresses.


Ask PolicyMap Anything!Ask PolicyMap Anything!

Ever wanted to ask the staff at PolicyMap a question? Of course, you can e-mail or call us anytime, but we thought it would be fun to open our blog to all of you to ask us whatever you’d like about data, about us, about the site, anything! What’s our favorite dataset? What’s the difference between a family and a household? What’s more fun, data or maps? Ask us anything! No question is too practical, and no question is too silly. To ask us your question, either send us an e-mail, or tweet us @PolicyMap with the hashtag #AskPMap. Let us know where you’re from!


Other New and Updated Data on PolicyMap

Incomes & Spending

  • Update: Area Median Income, 2017, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Update: Low Mod, 2015, PolicyMap, U.S. Census


Quality of Life

