Map Publishing Tools
Meet PolicyMap’s best-in-class publishing tools. Our impactful interactive maps illustrate the inherent connection between people and place.
Publish maps to share data with the world.

Embedded Maps
Our self-service publishing option allows you to highlight a particular issue using one data layer with one data point. Embedded Maps are partially-interactive maps and can be shared instantly by adding a simple embed code on your website.
This publishing tool is available to ALL subscribers. Have a question? Reach out to our customer support team.

Embedded Mapping Tool
Embedded Mapping Tools showcase your organization’s data and PolicyMap’s data side-by-side. Embed a fully-interactive map on your website to increase access to information, engage users, and improve smart decision making. This publishing tool can include additional unique datasets, location search, generate downloadable reports, and some additional customizations.
Embedded Mapping Tools are developed through close collaboration between our Analysis and Insights Services team and stakeholders at your organization. Interested in building a mapping tool map? Fill in the form below.

Branded Mapping Platform
A storytelling platform built to meet your organization’s needs and designed to match your organization’s brand (custom colors, logos, etc.).
Branded Mapping Platforms include the most advanced PolicyMap features: quick answer boxes, multi-layer maps, premium datasets, and data downloading. Quick answer boxes orient a user when they open the platform and assist in data analysis. Multi-layer maps help locate areas with overlapping criteria. Premium datasets include exclusive indicators such as Health Outcomes Estimates and Consumer Spending Habits. Data downloading permits users to use PolicyMap data in their own research, mapping and presentations.
Branded Mapping Platforms are developed through close collaboration between our Analysis and Insights Services team and stakeholders at your organization. The platform lives on a custom URL with a unique navigation and supports a 3D map view.
Interested in building a Branded Mapping Platform? Fill in the form below.
Let’s Publish Your Maps
Interested in learning more about our publishing tools? Fill in the form below to request a personalized demonstration.

Visualize Place
Easy-to-use interactive maps allow stakeholders to explore and understand communities.

Integrate Data
Upload data to answer questions about a specific community or location.

Generate Insights
Evaluate investments, planned activities, and more to make strategic, data-driven decisions.

Tell Stories
Maps reveal what is not always evident in spreadsheets and tables of data.