FY2014 HUD CDBG Eligibility and CPD Appropriations Data on PolicyMap
As always, we are keeping busy at PolicyMap with lots of data updates! We are very excited to let our users know about updates to several datasets from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). First of all, we expanded upon the recent Low and Moderate Income Summary data update so that the FY2014 data now displays not only at the block group level, but at the census tract, city and county boundaries as well. The data at these additional geographies were provided directly by HUD.
Secondly, we are pleased to let our users know that we have updated the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) eligibility status data layer, which shows whether block groups are eligible for CDBG funding in FY2014. Block groups are deemed eligible if at least 51% of the residents are of low or moderate income (meaning that their income is below 80% of the Area Median Income). Additional block groups are eligible if they are inside the boundary of an “exception grantee” and meet a separate threshold of low and moderate income persons. Some block groups are partially eligible, meaning one or more parts of the block group is not eligible. This is the first year this data is available at the 2010 block group boundaries.
Explore the map below to determine which block groups in your area of interest qualify for CDBG funding:
In addition, we have also updated the appropriations data for FY2014 for HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) formula programs: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG); HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA); and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG). This makes it quick to see the appropriation amount in your area and how it has changed over time. The map below shows which areas in the Detroit area received increases or decreases in CDBG funding this year.
For anyone interested in seeing how these formula program budgets changed for the nation as a whole, HUD provides a summary of CPD Appropriations for the nation over time on their website.
Image: Michael Ochs Archives