National Collaborative for Digital Equity MA Summit 2018

The National Collaborative for Digital Equity (NCDE) is an organization that helps to eliminate the digital divide, barriers to computer access and literacy in low income and minority groups. NCDE is a PolicyMap subscriber, and we’re proud to be involved in the work they do.

This Friday (December 7th), PolicyMap will be sponsoring and participating in NCDE’s 2018 Massachusetts Summit in Boston. PolicyMap’s Kristin Crandall will be on hand to show how PolicyMap can assist in achieving digital equity and learn more about the efforts of others.

Registration is free!

The summit aims to:

  1. Engage state leaders in the economic development and education sectors to explore why and how best to support a statewide network of cross-sector teams from LMI communities in seeking to remove the digital divide and strengthen local pathways into living wage careers.
  2. Assist local leaders from the economic development and education sectors in states’ LMI communities to identify and begin developing strategies for addressing their local challenges relating to digital and economic inclusion.
  3. Engage resource providers in strengthening their collaboration with one another and in helping state and local leaders tap their assistance in more integrated, impactful ways.


If you’re in the Boston area, consider attending! Lunch is on us, and Kristin will be speaking in a panel at 12:30.