New Jobs & Economy Data! New Jobs & Economy Menu!

The Census released 2008 zip code level data on the number of jobs by employment sector and now you can see the latest on PolicyMap. The dynamic map below shows information on the manufacturing industry, but visit /maps to see the number and percent breakdown of jobs in any industry sector in your community under Jobs & Economy > Industry Concentrations.
When you get there the Jobs & Economy tab may look different than what you’re used to. Over the last year, we’ve greatly expanded the amount of data on the site, and we decided it was time for a PolicyMap makeover. The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) datasets, as well as the Federal Incentive Designations data, have now been moved to a new home called “Federal Guidelines”.
As a result “Jobs & Economy” is now much simpler and – we hope! – easier to use. In addition to the new 2008 County Business Pattern job data you’ll also find unemployment data updated monthly as well as new 2010 Claritas estimates of employment by industry.
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