The new PolicyMap is almost here!


The new PolicyMap is almost here!

Since we launched PolicyMap 6 years ago, we’ve added more data, more features and more tools in response to the needs of our users. In the process, we know that the main interface for using PolicyMap became cluttered, making it difficult for our users to do their work quickly and efficiently. That is about to end.

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We are ready to open up the beta version of our maps page – the heart of PolicyMap and where the bulk of our redesign efforts have been focused. If you want a sneak peek, just contact us and we’ll set you up with a login to check it out so that you can let us know what you think. Your feedback is, as always, invaluable to us.

Residential and Commercial Vacancy Data from Valassis

This new data, from Valassis Lists, allows our subscribers to see how residential and commercial vacancy rates are changing from one quarter to the next. Find the new dataset in our Neighborhood Conditions tab under Vacancy.

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New Year, New User Interface – go for the New You by saving time, energy and resources with a PolicyMap Subscription.

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For an up-to-date listing of all data available in PolicyMap, visit our data directory. Have a question or want to learn more? Just give us a call at 1-866-923-6277 (MAPS).