New Unemployment and Health Insurance data

Inaugural PolicyMap Subscription Offer

To mark the inauguration of our 44th President, we are offering you the opportunity to buy PolicyMap for one month and get the next month free. Just click here to sign up for an online tutorial and we’ll set you up. Forget what PolicyMap has to offer you as a subscriber? Learn more.

New on PolicyMap this month!


Uninsured Populations NEW: See where people across the country lack health insurance. Health insurance data from the Census Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) can be found under the Health tab in the Add Data Layer menu. (Free.)

Home Sales UPDATED: 2nd quarter 2008 home sale statistics are now available. Look for this under the Real Estate tab in the Add Data Layer menu. (Available to subscribers only.)

Unemployment Numbers and Rates NEW: Explore annual unemployment numbers for counties across the country from 2000 through 2007 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Free.)


  • Shade-By Feature: Customize your maps even more using the new “shade by” feature. This new feature, located in the legend on the left, allows you to choose the geography you’d like to see shaded on the map. Create a map shaded at a county level – then use the shade-by drop-down menu to shade the map by census tracts instead. Stay tuned for more on this as we open up even more layers for you!
  • State Legislative Districts for the Entire Nation: Add state legislative district boundaries to your maps. Click on Map Options in the bottom right and turn on district boundaries for the entire nation.
  • Chicago Wards and Community Areas: We’ve loaded Chicago Wards and Community Areas for one of our Chicago-based subscribers (Illinois Finance Fund), and hope additional folks in Chicago find them useful. Take the map to Chicago, then layer on these boundaries from the Map Options in the bottom right.
  • Improved Reports: Get even more information about the places you need to know about. Check out our new reports.

Coming soon!

Powerful Analytic Capabilities: Analyze multiple indicators at once and answer a seemingly endless set of “where” questions. Like, “Where are schools performing above proficiency in Math AND where are home prices still affordable AND where is the average income tax filer paying less than $4,000 a year in state and local taxes?” Imagine. Pose a question, any question. If PolicyMap has the data, you’ll get an answer. Stay tuned!

As always, we urge you to register for free, sign up for an online tutorial and subscribe even if just for the special 2-month offer. See why over 150,000 people have turned to PolicyMap.

Integrate the power of where into your work.

Maggie McCullough

Director, PolicyMap