Online data mapping will transform the way you work

“Cut costs.” “Do more with less.” “Be strategic.” “Spend wisely.”

And don’t forget to “be transparent” about it.

As a local government agency, you hear these kinds of directives every day.

PolicyMap can help. PolicyMap is an interactive geodatabase based in the cloud. It contains more than 10,000 social and economic indicators which can inform your agency’s actions. With an array of tools, including charts, maps and graphs, you can visualize and analyze the data you need to be effective. Upload your own local data, post interactive maps to your website or even pull our data for your application through the Data API.

Sign up for our free trial or call us to schedule a demo. We’d love to show you how other local governments are already using PolicyMap to save both time and money by being more strategic about spending decisions. For examples, see this recent article in Government Technology.

Stop wasting time hunting for data or trying to learn complicated software. Check out PolicyMap – a single, online data and mapping application that will transform the way you work.

Contact us at (866) 923-MAPS or email at

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