Updated 2009 HMDA and much more!

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All the data you need. All in one place. All online. | January 2011
New: HMDA 2009 on PolicyMap

Check out PolicyMap now to find 2009 data from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)! This data is available for every census tract and county across the nation in map, table and report formats and allows you to see how mortgage originations have changed in the communities you care about between 2004 and 2009. Use this data to answer questions such as:

  • How many homebuyers received government-insured mortgages in an area? How has that changed over time?

  • Where are homebuyers still taking out two loans (piggyback loans) in order to finance the purchase of their home?

  • How many people bought a home in my area in 2009 and what was the median mortgage amount?

  • How has the number of people refinancing their mortgage changed during the last 6 years?

The 2009 HMDA data reflect the ongoing difficulties in the housing and mortgage markets that began appearing in 2007. Users will find sharp decreases in originations, regardless of race, ethnicity or income.

HMDA 2009

This data is available for free on PolicyMap and can be found under the Lending Activity tab within “Mortgage Loans”.

Rules governing HMDA reporting in 2009 changed in the fourth quarter so some of the calculations for 2009 only represent the first three quarters of the year. We explain this fully in the details above the maps as well as in our Data Directory, but feel free to contact us with any questions!

Also new on PolicyMap in January:

We have updated many datasets on PolicyMap, so check out our blog to read more about the updates.

  • 2011 U.S. Representative and Senator Names and Party Affiliation

  • Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas from HUD for 2011 (Federal Designations)

  • Food Stamp (SNAP) data from SAIPE for 2008 (Money & Income)

  • Live Births from the CDC for 2008 (Health)

  • HUD’s Foreclosure Risk Scores for NSP3 (Federal Designations)

  • Poverty and school proficiency from the New America Foundation for 2009 (Education)

  • Free and Reduced Price Lunch Participation Rates from the NCES for 2009 (Money & Income)

  • Bankruptcy Filings from the American Bankruptcy Institute for 2009 (Money & Income)

  • Unemployment from the BLS for November, 2010 (Employment)

  • Bank Failures from the FDIC, updated weekly (Bank Failures)

  • Building Permits from the BLS for November, 2010 (Real Estate)

  • New homeownership affordability calculations for 2010 (Owners & Renters)

Coming Soon!

  • Quarterly update on home sale activity for block groups and census tracts across the nation.

  • American Community Survey data.

Haven’t had time to check out the new data uploader?

Want to learn the basics of how to create and share a dataset? Or customization of datasets including icon changes and adding images? Sign up for one of our free webinars every Wednesday at 2:00 PM ET to learn more.


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