Disconnected Youth: a Geographic View into the Youth Mental Health Crisis
Young people in America are facing a mental health crisis. To help organizations and researchers digging deeper into this alarming trend, PolicyMap added indicators from the Census ACS related to Disconnected Youth that show the estimated percent of people 16 to 19 years old who were not enrolled in school and were unemployed or not in the labor force.
Improve Health Equity with Social Determinants of Health Data
We’ve simplified the collection of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) data through a comprehensive database of the non-medical factors influencing health outcomes and risks.
Interoperable and standardized, the collection includes indicators for Life Expectancy and Mortality, Health and Healthcare Landscape, Infrastructure and Built Environment, Community and Social Context, Food and Nutrition, Education, Healthy Assets and Opportunities, Financial Stability, and Environmental Hazards.
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How To Suggest Data You’re Not Seeing in PolicyMap
Say hello to our brand new Data Suggestion Bar, designed to empower our users to shape the future of data availability on our platform. Have data suggestions for data you want to see? Share your ideas with the PolicyMap team!
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North Carolina Healthcare Foundation
North Carolina Healthcare Foundation (NCHF) is on a mission to improve the health of their communities and make high-quality healthcare equitable and accessible for all. PolicyMap enables the foundation to source and analyze neighborhood-level data, identify gaps in service, and focus on areas with the most need.
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Vitamin Angels
Vitamin Angels is a global public health nonprofit, addressing malnutrition in pregnant women and children by providing proven nutrition solutions to underserved communities. With PolicyMap, they developed a zip code scoring system to identify areas with the greatest lack of access to prenatal care.
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Census American Community Survey (ACS) 2018-2022 data is now available through our maps, charts, reports, and download feature. The ACS data covers an extensive variety of demographic, economic, housing, education, and health data and can be found in almost every menu on PolicyMap.
Designated American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas from U.S. Census Bureau TIGER boundaries, available in PolicyMap as both a boundary overlay and indicator, have been updated to 2022.
Indicators on disadvantaged communities from the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) have been added to PolicyMap.
The National Park Service’s Historic Tax Credit Projects dataset has been updated to include Fiscal Year 2022.
We are committed to our promise of curated, cleaned, standardized, and always updated data. We’re posting real-time updates on our website and X (formerly known as Twitter).
Published Research
Explore scholarly works from students and researchers using PolicyMap.
Cultural context index: A geospatial measure of social determinants of health in the United States published by the National Library of Medicine
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PolicyMap is growing. We have a NEW! opening for a Data Analyst. Apply today.
Open PolicyMap Training Sessions
Offered twice a week. Register here.
Level 1: Learning the basics of PolicyMap Level 2: Learn the Data Loader, Multi-Layer Maps, and other Advanced Features
Open to non-subscribers. Course times rotate weekly. Don’t see a time that works for you?
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February 25-29, 2023
Los Angeles, CA
We’re thrilled to return to VIVE. Stop by our booth to learn how PolicyMap can help health and technology leaders improve outcomes, reduce inequalities, and optimize costs. Register here.