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We empower organizations with unparalleled access to comprehensive mapping and data analytics tools. Explore publicly available and proprietary data sources including CDC, CMS, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and Data Axle. 🧭 Create custom maps, layer data, upload and download data, publish and share maps, build dashboards, and generate reports. 📊 No prior GIS knowledge is required.💡
Health Equity
Use PolicyMap to evaluate trends, access benchmarks, and strategically target interventions designed to improve health outcomes. Have access to easy-to-use mapping tools for data on social determinants of health, health outcomes, housing and environmental conditions, and more.

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Go beyond demographics with PolicyMap’s Collection of Social Determinants of Health Data. The collection includes all the non-medical factors influencing health and quality of life, supporting organizations as they work to improve outcomes, reduce inequalities, and optimize costs.

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Request More Information
Contact us for more information including a full list of data sources and pricing. And stay tuned for more data updates, including adding Surgo’s Maternal Vulnerability Index to PolicyMap!
How We Work
Whether through our intuitive online platform, seamless integration, or flexible data licensing options, PolicyMap empowers organizations with unparalleled access to comprehensive mapping and data analytics tools.

SaaS Platform
Users can access PolicyMap’s extensive mapping and data analytics tools through its intuitive and powerful online platform. Explore publicly available and proprietary data sources including CDC, CMS, Data Axle, and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), create custom maps, and conduct analyses, no prior GIS-knowledge required.

Partner Portal
Organizations can integrate PolicyMap’s mapping and data capabilities seamlessly into their own website through the Partner Portal option. This white-label solution allows organizations to offer tailored access to PolicyMap’s datasets and tools under their own branding for members, partners, and/or TAs.

Data License
PolicyMap offers data licensing options for organizations looking to leverage its extensive datasets for their own applications, research, or analyses. Enhance your projects and initiatives with data that is curated, cleaned, normalized, and always from authoritative sources datasets.
Using Community-Level SDOH Data To Improve Health Outcomes
Community-level data can help identify health disparities within and between different neighborhoods or regions. These disparities often stem from a complex interplay of social, economic, and environmental factors, or Social Determinants of Health. By closely analyzing the data, healthcare providers, policymakers, and researchers can work collaboratively with community organizations and local governments to implement initiatives that address these disparities and promote health equity. This can involve increasing access to healthcare services in underserved areas, improving the quality of education, and implementing policies that support healthier lifestyles.

Addressing Diversity in Clinical Research: Data for Alignment with New FDA Guidelines
July 9, 2024 | PolicyMap Team
Navigating the Silence: Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Adults
May 23, 2024 | Magdalen Andreoni

Limited Supermarket Access (LSA) Analysis
April 11, 2024 | Maggie McCullough
Improving Health Outcomes by Investing in Affordable Housing
June 29, 2023 | Maggie McCullough

To find more articles that explore SDOH data use cases, visit our blog.